Sharing “The Secret”

Every time I’ve chosen to write something about my struggles with mental health on social media, I’ve received messages and texts from people thanking me for sharing. Most of these include sentences like, “You’re so brave!” or “I could never share about my own struggles publicly.” And that makes me sad…because it shouldn’t be that way.

When my mom was diagnosed with cancer, people contacted me to set up a Caring Bridge site so they could follow how she was doing; dozens jumped in to help put on a benefit for her. Friends brought cards and flowers and frozen lasagnas. I still feel the warm fuzzies when I think about all the support our family received. About three years ago, I was hospitalized for severe depression. And you know what? I was honest about the severity of my illness publicly for the first time. At first I was scared out of my mind. And then the cards started showing up. And the flowers. And some good ol’ North Dakota hotdish.

And since that experience, I’ve learned that I can give a voice…and a face…to mental illness. I’m your next-door neighbor. I’m the lady in Target looking through the clearance rack. I’m your kid’s teacher who’s trying so hard not to bawl at graduation. I’m normal (I use this term loosely but I think you get what I’m saying). Normal people struggle with mental health issues. And it’s okay to say that you are part of the club, too. To quote Colonel Mustard from the classic 1980’s movie “Clue,” “There’s safety in numbers, my dear.” If you are feeling up to it, take a brave step and share your journey with someone…share it with me if you’d like…because there really is safety and comfort in sharing our struggles and carrying them together.

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