I. Will. Do. This.

This week in my Facebook memories, a picture from four years ago popped up of me during my first doctoral residency. Boy, do I remember that week. I still need a Tylenol just thinking about that week. Now, I think about everything I’ve been through since that picture was taken…and I’m kinda proud of myself.

During my first residency four years ago

This week I am participating in my university’s research seminar for those of us who are still working toward finishing our dissertations. I’m not gonna lie; I was super nervous about this week. I felt like I was so embarrassingly far behind everyone else I shouldn’t butt my way into class and use resources that could go to someone else. (And that sounds awful now that I’ve actually written those words out—yikes.)

But…I’m actually making a lot of headway and I’m really proud of myself. On Monday morning, I felt like I was floating around (above?) Dissertationland. By Wednesday, I felt like my anchor had dropped. Now—Thursday evening—I feel like I can conquer this beast…that I WILL conquer this beast…that I will eat peer-reviewed journal articles for breakfast until I slay this dragon.

I have every remaining step outlined with due dates so I can graduate in May 2022. I happened to look up on what day I will finally walk across that stage in my funny looking hat: May 21. My mom’s birthday. It’s like a message straight from heaven telling me I. Will. Do. This. (and my mom knows I will, too).

My planner!

I have worked harder and longer this week than I have in a very long time; it feels really good. It’s not very often (especially lately) I feel that I’m actually good at something and that I should feel proud of myself. But right now, I really do. And I’m going to enjoy it. And I’m going to keep working until I meet this goal and get to add those two wonderful little letters in front of my name.

I hope each of you has something dear to your heart that makes you feel fulfilled, accomplished, and proud. Enjoy those warm fuzzies—you deserve it!


The future Dr. Uetz

One thought on “I. Will. Do. This.

  1. You will do this! Loved this article. Your mom is definitely behind you. That date is not a coincidence. <3

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