Anxiety Adventure

I went on an adventure today! And by adventure, I mean I went to Target. And by Target, I mean I had to pick up prescriptions at the CVS inside Target. But the greatest thing happened: the pharmacist said there was another prescription they could refill for me while I was there…if I didn’t mind waiting. Um, take your sweet time, my new favorite human! Don’t mind me if I accidentally on purpose knock a few dozen things on the floor with my purse that you need to pick up before you fill my bottle (just kidding; I’d feel so guilty I’d clean it up myself and buy the pharmacist Starbucks as an apology…while I was crying). I was at Target, alone and unsupervised. I don’t know why Target is like Disney World for moms (at least this mom), but it. was. epic.

The first thing I did was grab a bottle of Excedrin because welcome to my life. Then I tossed in a can of spray paint to finish a project with my kitchen island chairs. To super spice things up, I bought the new Dawn dish spray because if it works anything like it does in the commercial, I may fall in love harder than I already am with Magic Erasers. In another exciting turn of events, they had Command hanger thingies 70% off and for a deal like that I can definitely find something that needs to be attached to a wall.

Then the saddest thing happened. I got a text that the prescription was ready. I headed to the pharmacy, got my meds, and said good-bye to my favorite bullseye.

Why was this such an adventure? I honestly can’t remember the last time I left the house by myself. I rarely leave the house at all these days, but today I got in the car and turned the key and drove myself to Target. Yeah, it was to pick up medicine for my kiddo, but normally I’d wait for my husband to go get it. I might ride along, but I’d still be more apt to wait in the car than go in the store. I’m not sure what gave me the push to go out by myself, but I’m glad I did. It felt really good. I enjoyed wandering down the candle aisle and not perusing the Pokemon cards. I was able to pick out new undies for the youngest by looking at size and price, not what character was printed on the butt. It was a magical experience.

Am I cured of my anxiety of driving and getting in an accident and, well, all of the things that could go wrong going to the store by myself? No, not even close. But I feel better about the thought of doing it again, and I’ve come to learn it doesn’t matter how fast I’m going as long as I’m moving in the right direction. Today was the right direction.

2 thoughts on “Anxiety Adventure

  1. Bravo! One step at a time. One person’s trip to Target is another person’s mountain conquered. Well done on taking that step and making that bit easier for you next time. A thoroughly entertaining read.

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