Hello! I haven’t posted in quite a while because I felt I needed to rethink my site’s mission. I thought about what I love the most–being a mom and being a teacher–and how I could incorporate both of those into my message about mental health. So, welcome back to H.O.P.E. with Melissa:
Odyssey of a
Parent and
When I think about what I want to share, my main goals are to be transparent in my family’s experiences with mental health, as well as offer ideas to others that I use in my classroom and at home that have been helpful in some way with this adventure we call life.
This school year I started a new teaching position at a psychiatric hospital and I. Love. It. I have up to 36 students each day coming from up to just as many different schools. When they enter my classroom for the first time, all I know about them is their name and age. Diagnoses can include depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. I’ve had students with intellectual disabilities and others who are taking advanced placement and college-level courses. They can be in kindergarten or seniors in high school.
I feel I’m pretty good at flying by the seat of my pants; this may sound like I just make things up as I go but I really just have Plan A, and Plan B, and Plan C, and Plan D ready to go, with a sprinkle of “just in case” also lined up. Because this is how my brain works, this job is a really good fit for me. I’ve developed some strategies that may be useful for other educators or parents to try, and I’m excited to share them with you.
I’m finding my own mental health to be, actually, the best it’s been in probably as long as I can remember. I’m genuinely happy to get out of bed in the morning. I didn’t know you could spend Sundays with no anxiety about the upcoming week. I want to do lots of stuff, not just take naps (although I still enjoy a good afternoon snooze when I can sneak one in).
I know I haven’t been taking care of my physical health as much as I should. I need to make better food and exercise choices. My headaches and migraines have been especially bad lately which makes it really hard to want to cook a meal and hop on the treadmill when I get home when we can just grab a pizza and watch tv. I need to find some ways to motivate myself to make the changes I know I need to make. I can do anything but not everything; I just need to move the healthier stuff up in my priorities list.
So welcome back to Hope with Melissa, or just welcome to the page! I hope you’ll stick around and I’ll try my best to get new content up at least once a week!
Keep on climbing