Have you ever had such an amazing day at work that you were sad it was Friday and you wouldn’t get to go the next day?
No? That makes me super weird? That’s fair.
But that’s how great today was.
My mashed potato loving student from my last post (I’ll call him MP going forward) mentioned his birthday was coming up. And by “mentioned” I mean he told me a minimum of twice each day for the past week. Based on what I knew about him, I was guessing not much (if anything) would be done to celebrate. I asked him, “If you could do anything for your birthday, what would you pick?”
His answer was, “I would have a cake!”
My heart pretty much shattered right there on the classroom floor.
Well, buddy, if you want a cake, I can do a cake. The other staff pitched in toward the cost and I picked it up from the grocery store last night for today’s mini-surprise party.
The setup: MP was scheduled for my 12:55 class. All of the “littles” (kids under 13) would come to the classroom at 1:00 to sing and eat cake. I had the cake sitting on the table where the students’ work folders are usually sitting.
MP walked in the room and I shouted, “Happy birthday!” He looked at me funny, looked at the table, and said, “Where’s my work folder?”
As the other kids were coming in, he looked down again and then noticed the cake. “Oh! It’s for me?!” he shouted.
Yeah, buddy, it’s for you.

We all sang Happy Birthday and then dove into that cake. There was frosting on every face and table top. There was sugar rushing through the veins of every person in the room. We had a yummy good time.
When MP came back for a second piece of cake he said, “I’ve never had my name on a cake before!”
Ugh. Right in the feels.
He said “thank you” at least two dozen times during that hour he was in our classroom.
MP, thank YOU. Thank you for teaching me that I take so much for granted. Thank you for reminding me that little things—like a name on a cake—can be so meaningful. Thank you for making me feel special everyday when you shout “Hi, Teacher!” to me in the cafeteria and give me a high-five as I pass through. Thank you for being your unique, special, amazing self.
Happy birthday, MP.